Newark 11/28/2012 4:23:13 AM
News / Law

Former “Melrose Place” Actress Found Guilty of Fatal New Jersey Accident, What Will Her Sentence Be?

Newark, NJ- The drama of “Melrose Place” could never prepare actress Amy Locane-Bovenizer for the guilty judgment she received after causing a fatal traffic accident in 2010.

The court found Locane-Bovenizer guilty of vehicular homicide, reduced more a much more serious charge of aggravated homicide.

In 2010, Locane-Bovenizer was intoxicated; almost three times the legal limit, when she slammed her SUV into Helene and Fred Seeman as they turned into the driveway of their home in the Montgomery Township, according to ABC News.

Though she was drunk, Locane-Bovenizer tried to blame others for the accident.  The defense tried to shift negligence to the driver of a vehicle who was pursuing Locane- Bovenizer after she rear ended them. The defense also tried to say that Fred Seeman was responsible for the accident because he made a slow turn into the driveway, ABC News reported.

But the jury wasn’t buying the defense and found Locane- Bovenizer guilty of vehicular homicide. When sentenced, which is scheduled for March 2013, the actress could receive 10 years in jail and must serve 85 percent of the sentence before she is eligible for parole.

Criminal charges for fatal traffic accidents may serve justice, but it doesn’t necessarily address the issues facing accident victims or the victims those killed. These individuals not only have their grief to contend with but they also have more pragmatic problems, mainly the medical and other bills that are the result of a traffic collision.

These victims need help recovering these costs. Accident attorneys have the needed expertise and knowledge to get personal injury or wrongful death victims a favorable settlement to alleviate at least some of their worries.