All too often when an individual encounters financial trouble with their bank and has their checking account closed they find themselves in a state of desperation. This is because when one bank closes an individual’s checking account many other banks will shy away from offering a second chance. Fortunately that’s not the attitude of NetBank where their second chance checking account offers individuals the opportunity to reestablish a relationship with a bank.
The second chance checking account from NetBank, a division of BofI Federal Bank, provides an easy solution for those who have had problems with banks in the past. With as little as $50 an individual can open a second chance checking account and gain access to a number of benefits and advantages that come with the account.
Among the benefits that come with NetBank’s second chance checking account are a free Visa Debit card to make purchases and access cash from the account, free FinanceWorks money management software, free cash-back Purchase Rewards, as well as free online banking with mobile banking, email and text messaging alerts.
There are also a number of advantages associated with the second chance checking account from NetBank and these include the ability to deposit checks remotely, make cash deposits with MoneyPak, free online transfers, the opportunity for overdraft protection and much more.
To set up your second chance checking account and learn more about how NetBank can put you back on track toward financial stability go to: