Caressa Cameron, Miss America 2010, married Nat Jackson on Sunday, December 2, 2012 in Fredericksburg, VA. In addition to the professional photographers on hand the couple chose to use PhotoOpp Bride Edition, a
photo-sharing wedding app. By using the photo-sharing app guests were able to capture shots the professionals missed, as well as more informal shots from various points of view. During the ceremony and reception Caressa and Nat's guests used the app to collect and share over 400 photos!
Caressa and Nat's photos were available instantly within the app but were also streamed
live on the Internet. This made it possible for those close to the couple who were
unable to attend to watch the event as it was happening. The stream was also available
to the general public to watch via a special link. The online album was a big success,
with hundreds of viewers hitting the PhotoOpp website to view the live photos.
The wedding doubled as a charitable event for AIDS United, a cause both Caressa and Nat actively support. The website with the online photo-stream had a welcome message from the couple, as well as more information about how viewers could donate to the
PhotoOpp Bride Edition is an iPhone and Android App that allows wedding guests to collect and share an unlimited number of photos from up to six wedding events. All photos are instantly shared with guests within the app, but can also be displayed on a slide show at the reception and online. You don't have to be Miss America to use PhotoOpp Bride Edition. It's available to anyone at their website