Atlanta 12/24/2012 11:00:00 PM
News / Real Estate

Low Mortgage Interest Rates Can Guarantee a Manageable Term for Home Buyers

Bank of Internet USA, America’s oldest and most trusted internet bank, brings the assurance of a safe and affordable purchase to home buyers through offering some of the lowest mortgage interest rates in the country. Keeping your long term investment affordable is the first step to securing a successful home purchase.

With free and instant personalized rate quotes, Bank of Internet USA gets buyers started on the path to home ownership by building a term forecast that fits their financial means. Providing options such as a fixed interest rate, buyers can confidently move forward with their investment, free of worry that market factors such as inflation will hinder their financial stability.

Using factors like property value, asset information, and personal expenses, prospective buyers can actually project the future of their mortgage term by using Bank of Internet USA’s online mortgage calculator. Buyers can even track interest rates, following markets trends until they reach the point that will make applying more affordable to them. With a dedicated team of mortgage consulting specialists, Bank of Internet provides all of the resources a buyer would need to make a responsible home purchase.