Atlanta 12/14/2012 1:54:10 AM
News / Law

Guatemala Returns John McAfee To US

Six days after his arrest for illegal entry in Guatemala, John McAfee was deported to the United States. He arrived in Miami late Wednesday and was reportedly escorted by authorities to a South Beach hotel. It is unclear if American authorities plan to question McAfee, who is wanted in Belize for questioning about the shooting death of his neighbor.

"It was the most gracious expulsion I've ever experienced. Compared to my past two wives that expelled me, this isn't a terrible trip,” the 67-year-old told ABC News of his deportation. "They took me out of my cell and put me on a freaking airplane. I had no choice in the matter."

McAfee has already hired a lawyer in the United States.

The anti-virus software creator surfaced in Guatemala last week after nearly a month of hiding from authorities in Belize. He was arrested in Guatemala City on December 5 for entering the country illegally. McAfee sought asylum in Guatemala, but the Foreign Ministry denied his request. He claimed that his life wound be in danger if he returned to Belize because he has information about government corruption in the nation.

Authorities in Belize say they simply want to speak with McAfee about the murder of his neighbor Gregory Faull. An unidentified suspect is already in custody for Faull’s death. Faull, an American builder, was found dead in his home on November 10 by his housekeeper, Laura Tun. Faull had recently complained to police about McAfee firing guns and keeping at least 6 noisy dogs on his property

“Under no circumstances am I going to willingly talk to the police in this country,” McAfee told tech news site Wired while in hiding. “You can say I’m paranoid about it but they will kill me, there is no question. They’ve been trying to get me for months. They want to silence me. I am not well liked by the prime minister. I am just a thorn in everybody’s side.”


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