Atlanta 12/15/2012 2:04:00 AM
News / Law

Gunman Dead After Connecticut Elementary School Shooting, 3 Seriously Wounded

Connecticut authorities have confirmed a gunman is dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown following a shooting there around 10:30 a.m. It is unclear is the shooter took his own life, or if he was killed by officers that responded to a call about the shooting. A source close to the situation told CNN that investigators have recovered two weapons at the scene – one Glock and one Sig Sauer. No other details about the gunman were immediately known.

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton told CNN at least three people were seriously wounded in the shooting and were rushed to Danbury Hospital for treatment. It is unclear if any of the victims are Sandy Hook students.

In a post on its Facebook page, the hospital confirmed that “three patients have been transported to Danbury Hospital from the scene.” “Out of abundance of caution and not because of any direct threat Danbury Hospital is under lockdown. This allows us simply to focus on the important work at hand,” the post read.

Police began evacuating Sandy Hook shortly after the shooting. The children were taken to a nearby fire station. According to reports, about 600 people were at the school at the time of the shooting.

All Newtown schools remain on lockdown.


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