Akron 1/3/2013 3:36:03 AM
News / Law

C8 Water Contamination in the Mid-Ohio River Valley Has the Makings of a Hollywood Movie

There have been several Hollywood movies released with story lines that go something like this:

A big company’s manufacturing facility releases chemicals into the environment over a period of many years without the complete knowledge of the general public. Eventually, the children and adults who either worked at the facility or lived in close proximity start to get sick. Life-threatening diseases like cancer plaque communities surrounding the manufacturing plant and someone starts asking why.  The movie’s story unfolds with heroes, villains, suspense and drama.

A similar story is developing in the Mid-Ohio River Valley region near Parkersburg, West Virginia.  Dupont’s Washington Works Manufacturing Plant located just southwest of Parkersburg released a chemical known as C8 into the air and the Ohio River starting in the 1950’s. The dangerous chemical gradually contaminated public drinking water supplies by entering the region’s groundwater. Testing detected C8 in six different water districts surrounding DuPont’s manufacturing facility.  

As a result of the contamination, a court ordered scientific panel was formed in 2005 to study the health effects of C8 on people. Since that time, the C8 Scientific Panel has issued reports linking C8 to kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, ulcerated colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disease) and high cholesterol. 

Cases of Ohioans suffering from the health conditions listed by the C8 Scientific Panel are surfacing.  These victims and their families are taking action by filing lawsuits in Ohio courts seeking justice for their injuries and damages. 
If you or a loved one either live or once lived in the Mid-Ohio Valley region and have developed a health condition linked to C8,  the Ohio law firm of Slater & Zurz LLP will provide you with a free consultation and a free case review. Please call toll free 1-800-297-9191 or request a consultation by sending a message from the law firm’s website at slaterzurz.com.
About Slater & Zurz LLP

Slater & Zurz LLP, with offices in Akron, Canton, Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, has a long and distinguished history of helping people who have been unjustly and unnecessarily mistreated or victimized by companies or other individuals. In the law firm’s 40 year history, it has handled over 20,000 personal injury cases that resulted in excess of $120 million being awarded to clients. The Ohio law firm’s dedicated team of experienced attorneys and legal professionals have earned a reputation for getting positive results for clients in a wide variety of legal areas. To learn more about Slater & Zurz LLP, please visit www.slaterzurz.com or call 1-888-534-4850.