Atlanta 1/3/2013 5:32:01 AM
Vega Biofuels (Stock Symbol: OTN: VGPR) is now on
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About Vega Biofuels
The Company is in the process of building a bio-fuels enterprise to supply utility owned pulverized coal fired power plants around the world with bio-coal. The process technology to be used is torrefaction. The Plant will convert most forms of waste biomass, primarily timber waste into thermally treated biomass powder that is then turned into briquettes for shipment to the end user. Existing coal-fired power plants can utilize the bio-coal without making any changes to their current infrastructure. The bio-coal has a high energy density of over 10,000 BTUs/Lb and is considered a renewable energy fuel that meets the Renewable Portfolio Standards and renewable energy credits (RECs) in the United States. Torrefaction is the treatment of biomass at high temperatures (475 degrees F - 575 degrees F) under low oxygen conditions.