Seattle 1/11/2013 11:19:13 PM
News / Law

Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury May Be 6 Times Higher Than Previously Reported

New research from the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences has revealed some startling news. Their study, which was the first in the world to use prospective, population-based methodology to review both hospitalized and non-hospitalized cases of traumatic brain injuries, found that incidence rates were 6X higher than previously reported. This would lead to estimates of about 50-60 million traumatic brain injuries happening every year around the world—or one injury a second.

Traumatic brain injuries have gained national attention over the last 12 months due to both the increased efforts of the National Football League to eradicate concussions and other traumatic brain injuries from the sport and the highly publicized hospitalization of Hillary Clinton just last month. 

While the majority of traumatic brain injuries are mild, even mild concussions can add up over a lifetime and cause some serious and debilitating symptoms. A study conducted by the Sports Concussion Clinic at Boston Children's Hospital found that repeated concussions, even mild ones, can result in serious learning and memory problems throughout life. Sadly, up to 35% of all concussions and traumatic brain injuries are never reported and victims do not even seek medical treatment. 

Traumatic Brain Injuries – Just the Facts
The majority of traumatic brain injuries are caused by two main incidents: falls and car accidents. These two incidents alone account for up to 60% of all traumatic brain injuries. Men are 77% more likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury compared to women and 70% of all traumatic brain injuries happen to people who are younger than 35 years of age. 

These new statistics are frightening, especially when you consider the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries. In the United States alone, the direct medical costs and indirect costs, such as lost wages, associated with traumatic brain injuries is a staggering $76.5 billion. In addition, over 50,000 people die every year from a traumatic brain injury, which accounts for 34% of all traumatic deaths in the United States.  

Traumatic Brain Injuries—the Long-Term Costs
Victims who suffer a severe traumatic brain injury may find themselves unable to fully recover from their devastating injuries. They may be unable to return to work, provide for their families, pay their expenses, and enjoy a full quality of life. Even after they are released from the hospital, traumatic brain injury patients may require years of difficult rehabilitation. They may need to re-learn basic skills, improve their memories, or learn to live with their now permanent disability. It is estimated that the costs of caring for a survivor of a severe traumatic brain injury is nearly $2 million over a lifetime. 

Individuals in Seattle and throughout the State of Washington who have experienced a traumatic brain injury are urged to speak with a Seattle personal injury lawyer immediately. Brain injury victims may be able to receive compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The Phillips Law Firm will help you seek proper compensation for your brain injury. Visit the Phillips Law Firm website or call their experienced Seattle personal injury attorneys at 1-800-708-6000.