Five days after denying rumors they had welcomed another child, Elton John and his partner David Furnish have announced the birth of son Elijah. A surrogate delivered Elijah in Los Angeles on Friday, January 11. Elijah weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz.
“Both of us have longed to have children, but the reality that we now have two sons is almost unbelievable. The birth of our second son completes our family in a most precious and perfect way,” the couple said in a statement Wednesday. “It is difficult to fully express how we are feeling at this time; we are just overwhelmed with happiness and excitement.”
Elijah joins older brother Zachary, 2.
Last Thursday, a rep for the couple said reports of a second baby were “false.” Sources claimed the baby was delivered by the same surrogate that gave birth to Zachary on Christmas Day in 2010.
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