Denver 9/28/2009 12:41:03 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Announces Continued Updates of Brain Injury Blog, one of the most effective and powerful personal injury websites available today, is pleased to announce the continuation of what will surely be a long chain of informative and helpful articles regarding traumatic brain injury (TBI). After the LegalView team decided to reinstate consistent updates of their brain injury blog, the dedicated group of experienced bloggers and experienced injury attorneys have been working diligently to make several posts a week. Between September 21st and 25th, LegalView posted three separate blogs, each dealing with a different aspect of TBI and related injuries, offering brain injury support to all affected individuals. LegalView's experienced team strives to provide continued access to the most helpful resources available on the Internet.

The newest blog updates offer information on several different subjects. The first blog post reviews evidence that patients with alcohol in their blood stream are more likely to survive head injuries. Records of over 38,000 patients diagnosed with a TBI showed that those with noticeable blood alcohol levels were approximately 12 percent less likely to die in the hospital. According to one study, there are several potential reasons for this; age differences, time spent in a coma, and severity of injury just to name a few. Though the study seems to indicate that alcohol can potentially save the lives of those involved in serious head injuries, additional data suggests that persons with alcohol in their systems were 24 percent more likely to suffer complications from their injuries as well as having an increased risk of suffering a brain injury and requiring intensive
traumatic brain injury treatment.

The second blog post for this week is an announcement of the state of Michigan's first Fall Prevention Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the hazards of falling and to help prevent falls, especially for seniors. The hope, according to officials, is to illustrate the dangers posed by typical household scenarios, help seniors develop a successful exercise regimen useful in preventing falls caused by muscle atrophy, and providing vision checks. All of these preventative measures could reduce the number of falls and congruently the number of brain injuries. Many of these TBIs involve contacting a
brain injury lawyer and developing an often lengthy potential lawsuit.

LegalView's final blog post for this week dealt with the miraculous recovery of a Missouri man who suffered a tragic hit and run accident, an extended recovery time, and copious amounts of physical therapy. Throughout his story, his tenacity and persistence gave him the tools he needed to make a full recovery, supported by the state's care. Oftentimes, such intensive therapy requires the assistance of am experienced
brain injury attorney to make sure proper monetary compensation is received.

While LegalView provides extensive resources regarding brain injuries, they also provide a mesothelioma resource with access to a
mesothelioma lawsuit. Additional information can be found at, where individuals will find a wide base of mesothelioma knowledge, updated consistently with the most pertinent and relevant content.

About LegalView: is a public service brought to you by Legal WebTV Network, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation created by a group of the nation's most highly respected law firms: Anapol Schwartz; Brent Coon and Associates; Burg Simpson; Cohen, Placitella and Roth; James F. Humphreys and Associates; Lopez McHugh; and Thornton and Naumes. For more information on the accomplishments and track records of's superior sponsoring law firms and to get in touch with LegalView attorneys, visit LegalView at