(, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, welcomed readers to participate in a new survey that asks, "What is the biggest factor to society's moral decline?" Several respondents commented that the underlying problem is the lack of knowledge in God's Word, even by Christians. One voter said, "Christian people make moral decisions in their own minds, without consulting the Bible." Some of the other factors mentioned were selfishness, desensitization through TV, taking prayer out of schools, and the decline of the family unit.
The Internet is also playing a part in the decline of morality through exposure to explicit porn and sex. Most people do not realize the danger of being exposed to this sort of media. It is so dangerous God tells us to "flee sexual immorality." Indulging in this form of entertainment can become addicting. One voter said, "We have put our fleshly desires above our obedience to God." Another participant blames the breakdown of the family unit because there is no one at home to monitor the children and no leadership.
Many respondents feel that the exposure by the media through TV is one of the biggest contributing factors of the decline of morality. "I believe the things we watch on television or movies and the things we listen to makes a very vital contribution to the way we act," says one participant. Many of the shows on TV promote sex, porn, violence, and immorality. The more a person is exposed to this sort of thing, the easier it is to do it or be permissive about it. A person can become desensitized over time and not realize it.
Financial and economic responsibility was cited by a participant who felt that a society in debt lacks energy to do better. While porn and sex are obvious factors to many people, it was interesting to note the comments of participants about things that aren't so obvious in contributing to immorality such as pride and materialism. Another voter emphasized that pride is a contributor to the decline of morals. Are we a "me" society, putting self above God? Several voters in this survey say we are! For more information, visit:
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