Akron 1/31/2013 5:07:49 AM
News / Law

Attorneys Helping Residents of Ohio Water Districts Understand C8

Attorney Vessels and Akron attorney Jim Slater recently mailed information notices to approximately 15,000 homes located in or near the southeast Ohio cities and towns of Marietta, Belpre, Coolville, Reedsville, Tuppers Plains, Racine and Pomeroy. The notice provides people in these areas with a basic understanding of how C8 contaminated drinking water supplies in the region. It also promotes awareness of a scientific study linking C8 to health conditions that include kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, ulcerated colitis and preeclampsia.

In addition to the notices, the attorneys are offering to meet personally with anyone who either lives or once lived in these areas of Ohio in order to discuss the legal rights of a person who has been diagnosed with one of the above referenced health conditions. These consultations are being offered to people free of charge.               

If you, a friend or family member has developed a health condition linked to C8 and would like to schedule a free and confidential meeting, please contact attorney Ethan Vessels by calling (740) 374-5346 or attorney Jim Slater by calling 1-800-297-9191.  

To learn more about the chemical C8, its history of contaminating drinking water supplies in the Mid-Ohio Valley and the scientific panel who researched the health effects of C-8, please visit the following link:   http://www.slaterzurz.com/pfoa-perfluorooctanoic-acid-c8.html

About Slater & Zurz LLP

Slater & Zurz LLP, with offices in Akron, Canton, Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, has a long and distinguished history of helping people who have been unjustly and unnecessarily mistreated or victimized by companies or other individuals. In the law firm’s 40 year history, it has handled over 20,000 personal injury cases that resulted in excess of $120 million being awarded to clients. The Ohio law firm’s dedicated team of experienced attorneys and legal professionals have earned a reputation for getting positive results for clients in a wide variety of legal areas. To learn more about Slater & Zurz LLP, please visit www.slaterzurz.com or call 1-888-534-4850.