In this week's Novus Medical Detox Center Success Newsletter entitled “Mahatma Gandhi”, Novus Director Steve Hayes, explains how the same determination that helped Gandhi win freedom for India is a trait shared by patients at Novus Medical Detox Center who win freedom from drugs and alcohol.
The success story this week is from a man that was on methadone and Adderall and how he was able to do it. Here is part of what he said, “What I will say is that this place was simply amazing. I would never have believed I could come off methadone with the ease that Novus provided. After 4-5 days I started feeling "normal" with only about a day and ½ of mild withdrawal. I truly believe in Novus' system. I love this place! Takecare everyone, you rock!”
You can read the entire newsletter by clicking here.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a drug or alcohol and needs help, have them call Novus today at 800.505.6604.