Orange County 2/7/2013 1:06:32 AM
News / Law

California Family Law Attorneys Offer Pro Bono Services and Help for Victims of Domestic Violence

Victims of domestic violence often live in fear. Those who are women, with children and are financially dependent on their abusers, can find themselves without a place to turn for help. 

“The abuse is compounded by the sense of hopelessness,” states family law attorney, B. Robert Farzad.
Farzad & Mazarei’s services to domestic violence victims starts by seeking a domestic violence restraining order on the victim’s behalf. 

“Protection comes first. Victims of serious domestic violence need restraining orders for themselves and their children. Beyond that, we also seek child support, alimony if the victim and perpetrator are married and attorney fees in appropriate circumstances, all within the context of a domestic violence prevention act case.”
California law is protective of domestic violence victims. But most victims cannot afford quality and experienced family law representation and completing the paperwork by themselves can feel like a daunting task. Farzad & Mazarei and its lawyers eliminate that problem by preparing the domestic violence protective order forms and paperwork with the victim and even appear at the restraining order hearing on their behalf.
“We only take on the most serious cases within our pro bono department because those are the victims that need us the most. Those are the victims that need help in a hurry and often have nowhere else to turn,” states Mr. Farzad.
Separate from the pro bono department, Farzad & Mazarei’s services also include seeking damages and civil remedies against the perpetrator. Domestic violence is a crime and a civil tort. In cases that involve serious injury, victims should know they have rights and Farzad & Mazarei will file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator if there are serious injuries and a recovery on the victim’s behalf is feasible. 
“Those who commit serious acts of violence against a spouse and parent breach the most fundamental trust that exists in such a relationship. Such acts of violence, when serious and recurring, can have a profound physical and psychological impact on the victim and even the victim’s children if they are a witness to it or victims, themselves. That is why we are serious about helping them,” explains Mr. Farzad.
Farzad & Mazarei can evaluate the domestic violence case at a free initial consultation and determine if a victim of domestic violence fits within the law firm’s pro bono department. 

“At the end of the day, we just want to help people who struggle to help themselves. This is one way we do that,” Mr. Farzad states.

Attorney Babak Farzad is a member of the national attorney network on

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