The Adventures of Zelza Zero & Friends is kick starting its educational and entertainment brand for children with a Kickstarter campaign. With 31 days remaining, until March 9, this Kickstarter campaign will surely create a buzz for this children's entertainment brand while crowd funding from supporters who also believe in the mission of this project. This Kickstarter campaign was also recently featured in a blog on the Impact page of The Huffington Post.
The Goal of the Kickstarter campaign is to raise the needed money to complete the pilot episode of the animated television series The Adventures of Zelza Zero & Friends. This animated children's show follows Zelza Zero and her friends as they discover the joy of math while learning other invaluable lessons about life, such as self-worth, unity and acceptance. Imagine how engaging an animated show about numbers with human personalities and experiences will be for children. There is no better time to teach our children this than at the pre-school level. Giving our children these communication skills is vital in developing friendships, as well as the ability to learn how to communicate their emotions.
In December 2012, Zelza Zero Entertainment LLC partnered with Neon Pumkin, a South Korean animation company in a co-production deal. In addition, the company inked yet another awesome deal; a Cooperation Agreement with China's CAPMC, that encompasses Television Distribution, Publishing, Licensing and Merchandising for the territories of mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.
If you'd like to pledge your support for The Adventures of Zelza Zero & Friends, go to: