Houston, Texas 2/5/2007 11:01:17 PM
News / Business

Personal Bankruptcy Can Assist Christians According to ChristiaNet Poll

Personal bankruptcy, chapter 7, chapter 11, filing information and new bankruptcy laws are some of the financial related articles at http://www.christianet.com/bankruptcy/.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, asked reader's to participate in a recent survey, "Should Christians file for bankruptcy?" The majority of respondents felt that being in debt did not go along with Biblical teachings and is living below what God has intended for his children. One participant stated, "First one must get to the bottom of why they are having financial problems, filing for bankruptcy is just a temporary band-aid." God's children should be good stewards and not try to live above their means.  (http://www.christianet.com/bankruptcy/)

Out of 292 reader's surveyed, 109 said that Christians should not file personal bankruptcy. One person felt that filing was just a quick way out of a bad situation and isn't right. Trusting in God to help in a financial pinch and continuing to pay on bills is preferable with this group. For the most part those who are against filing believe that God's children should put Him first and trust Him to help them find a way to payoff their debts. "We should pay our debts; it is what we owe our debtors. We should also tithe; it is what we owe God," commented one respondent.

Ninety-nine participants who were unsure about filing personal bankruptcy seemed to agree that it depends on the circumstances and that sometimes even Christians make mistakes and feel that this is the only answer to their debt problems. Since it is a legal option, then it should be available to anyone who finds that they have no other alternative. Some people get into financial difficulties due to circumstances beyond their control. Such circumstances might include suffering a disability and being unable to work or being laid off of a job.

Eighty-four respondents surveyed agreed that sometimes it may be necessary to file personal bankruptcy to manage financial disaster. For some people not having this option could result in more disaster than just financial. Money problems can cause relationship issues, and the breakup of the family. Many in this group felt it is important for a child of God to learn from their mistakes and avoid debt in the future. Attitude about money and spending habits should be addressed to avoid the same problems in the future.  For more information, visit: http://www.christianet.com/articles/

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