Atlanta 2/14/2013 3:05:00 AM
Apartment Bank’s Streamlined Apartment Loan Process is Outlined
The quicker a real estate investor can begin their project, the quicker they can begin to reap profits. This is the goal that Apartment Bank strives for in providing fast close times for apartment loans. Most deals close in under 45 days through reduced document requirements and streamlined third party reports.
At the start of receiving an apartment loan, the borrower submits a loan deposit (later credited against the closing costs of the loan) to boost the process. An unbiased appraisal is performed by a third-party to determine the value of the property. Additionally, an environmental report and a property inspection are performed by unbiased third parties.
Meanwhile, a loan expert is assigned to each individual’s case to help determine the optimal loan structure. They also handle the title work, taxes, insurance, and assess getting the current loan paid off (if refinancing).
Apply for quick, affordable apartment and commercial mortgage loans call (877) 433-4003.