With a stern look and a flick of her hand, Jennifer Lopez saved Adele’s Grammy acceptance speech from being crashed by Ukrainian TV personality and celebrity prankster Vitalii Seduik. Lopez and Pitbull had just announced Adele as the winner of Best Solo Pop performance when Seduik rushed on stage and started to pretend that he was the recipient of the award.
"It's such an honor to receive this award," Seduik said. "I love you, Adele."
Lopez quickly shooed him off stage and Adele moved forward with her speech. "You're like my good luck charm," the British singer told Lopez.
Seduik was arrested for the stunt and held in jail overnight. He has been charged with trespassing. Seduik must appear in court in March.
The prankster tells The Hollywood Reporter that the joke wasn’t planned. In fact, Seduik didn’t even have a ticket to the Grammy Awards. “My channel didn't get credentialed, so I went with friends who had tickets. They didn't check how many we had, so I was let in. First I went to the media line and interviewed quite a few celebrities, like Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman. . . Then I just followed one girl in a green dress through the [Staples Center] gates. They checked my pockets but never asked to see a ticket,” he explains.
"The idea to go on the stage came up at the last second. To be honest, Adele is my favorite singer. So when I heard her name, I came up with this idea to go up on the stage and say what I said," he says. "I pretended this was an award for me, and then I said, 'Thank you, Adele. You’re my inspiration.'"
As for Lopez, Sediuk says, "I don't remember her [facial] expression, but I remember someone pulled me. When I saw the video, I realized it was Jennifer Lopez.”
"People were quite angry. I felt very nervous -- this will sound funny -- and I asked for water. And one guy was so furious, but he brought water," adds Sediuk. "Then police guys took me to a room and asked a lot of questions about how I got inside."
Sediuk famously kissed an unsuspecting Will Smith at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3. Smith shoved Sediuk away and slapped him.
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