Atlanta 2/13/2013 11:53:12 PM
News / Entertainment

Alec Baldwin’s Wife Hilaria Thomas Pregnant With First Child

Newlyweds Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas are going to become parents this year. The couple revealed the news this week on Extra.

“We're having a baby! It was a surprise, a wonderful surprise," said Thomas, who works as a Special Correspondent for Extra.

“Now, I’m showing, it’s getting to be much more, like ‘OMG this is actually going to happen!’ Now we can start the nursery, the everything, the dreaming,” she said.

Baldwin, 54, revealed that Thomas secretly took a pregnancy test and screamed when it turned out positive. “There’s a scream I heard, which is a scream normally reserved if there’s a spider in the house, not exaggerating. Normally, I will be reading a book. We're in the country, it's quiet, some time to really relax and unwind and sometimes, once a month, you hear ‘Ahhh, Alec, Alec!’ I come upstairs, and there’s a spider on the wall. So then I hear that scream again, but it was not a spider,” he said.

“It was followed by ‘I’m pregnant, I'm pregnant!’" added Thomas, a yoga instructor. "He runs up the stairs and I'm holding it [the test] and showing it to him.”

Baldwin and Thomas tied the knot last June. This will be Thomas’ first child and Baldwin’s second. The 30 Rock actor has a teenage daughter with ex-wife Kim Basinger.


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