Atlanta 2/16/2013 2:56:16 AM
News / Law

Oscar Pistorius May Face Premeditated Murder, Prosecutors Say He Planned Killing Of Reeva Steenkamp

As South African prosecutors indicated they will upgrade the murder charge against Oscar Pistorius to premeditated murder, the Olympic sprinter broke down in tears and covered his face with his hands. Pistorius will remain in custody to await his bail hearing next Tuesday. Police say they will request bail be denied.

It initially appeared that Pistorius mistook his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp for a burglar when he fatally shot her four times at his Pretoria home early Thursday morning, but authorities now believe he planned the killing. Steenkamp was shot in the head, the chest and the arm around 4 a.m. while possibly attempting a Valentine’s Day surprise for Pistorius. Medical examiners have conducted an autopsy, but the findings will not be revealed.

Police recovered a 9 mm pistol from Pistorius’ home. It is believed to be the murder weapon. Authorities also revealed past domestic incidents at the 26-year-old’s home.

Pistorius has already hired a high-powered defense team. The athlete’s family defended him a statement on Friday. "Firstly, and most importantly, all our thoughts today must be with the family and friends of Reeva Steenkamp. Oscar Pistorius has appeared in court here in Pretoria this morning formally charged with the murder of Reeva Steenkamp. The alleged murder is disputed in the strongest terms,” the statement read. “He has made it very clear that he would like to send his deepest sympathies to the family of Reeva. He would also like to express his thanks through us today for all the messages of support he has received – but as stated our thoughts and prayers today should be for Reeva and her family, regardless of the circumstances of this terrible, terrible tragedy.”

Pistorius’ ex-girlfriend Jenna Edkins voiced her support on Twitter. "All I am saying is let him speak, let his side be heard without jumping to conclusions," Edkins wrote.

“I have dated Oscar on and off for 5 YEARS, NOT ONCE has he EVER lifted a finger to me or made me fear for my life,” she added.

Pistorius is nicknamed Blade Runner and “the fastest man on no legs” because he sprints on carbon fiber blades. He was born with fibular hemimelia, or the absence of fibula, in both legs and had them amputated below the knee before his first birthday. He has competed in the Paralympics and became the first double amputee to sprint in the able-bodied Olympics.


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