(, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, conducted a new survey that asks, "Should Christians have health insurance?" A large majority of participants agree about the importance of having medical coverage. One respondent commented, "Without the health insurance our medical bills would be way too much for us to pay." There is an overall consensus that unforeseen medical expenses can be devastating and coverage helps to alleviate some of the stress. (
Out of 294 surveyed, 250 felt that Christians should invest in affordable health insurance. Sickness and disease can strike unexpectedly so it is wise to have sources to help with the expenses that are incurred. One person said, "Since we live in an imperfect world where we face illness and have other health related needs, I think it's good to make use of the means available to get help from skilled people." Another respondent, presently on medical leave, expressed thanksgiving for having affordable health insurance to take care of surgeries that were necessary for walking and quality of life.
Twenty-six of the participants were unsure about purchasing affordable health insurance. Some in this group believed that Christians should depend more on the operations of the church to help in times of need. "I think that if the church is operating like the Bible tells it to, then a person wouldn't need it." Others think that it is just a personal choice based on their financial situation. The expense is a major concern and one participant believes that the costs of prescription drugs are high because of the TV commercials marketing them.
Eighteen people that commented in this survey had some diversified comments related to not having affordable health care. One reader feels that the government should provide coverage for its citizens. Another participant suggested having a savings account just for medical expenses. Several people felt that faith in God was the most important thing when it comes to illness and that living a truly sanctified life means being free from sickness. For those who don't have this kind of faith, God uses those in the medical field to help His children find healing. For more information, visit:
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