Sean Lowe’s first stop is Houston, Texas to meet AshLee for a picnic before they head to her parent’s house. AshLee prepares Sean for her family, telling him about her pastor father who is “into motorcycles” and “very outdoorsy.” At AshLee’s house, her father and mother jump right into the tough questions. Her mother point blank asks him not to break AshLee’s heart, and her father questions Sean about loving AshLee. Sean gets her parent’s blessing to propose.
Sean heads to Seattle next for his hometown date with Catherine. They meet at Pike Place Market where Catherine has them take turns catching fish at a fish market. Sean makes a good first impression on her grandmother, but he has a harder time with her sisters India and Monica. The two are brutally honest about Catherine with Sean. They tell him that she is moody, has a hard time holding on to serious relationships and she keeps a messy house. Catherine’s mom refuses to give Sean her blessing to propose, saying “We’ll see what happens.”
The next stop is Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where Lindsay’s father, a two-star general, is stationed. Sean is nervous about meeting a two-star general, but he handles it well and eventually gets the general’s permission to pop the question. Lindsay’s mother Lisa respects that Sean refuses to say he loves Lindsay while he is still seeing 3 other women.
Sean’s final hometown is in L.A. with Desiree. The pair spends alone time on a hiking trail before making their way to Desiree’s house for dinner with her parents and brother. Before her family arrives, Desiree has an actor come over pretending to be an ex who wants her back. The guy demands a “minute” with Desiree but Sean refuses. Desiree then admits it is all a prank to repay Sean for his art gallery prank on their first date. Sean is a good sport about the joke and laughs it off. Things get heated with Desiree’s brother Nate. Nate is very vocal about not trusting Sean and even accuses Sean of being a “playboy.”
At the rose ceremony, Sean is pulled between eliminating Desiree or Catherine. He ends up sending Desiree packing.
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