Orlando, FL 10/9/2009 2:48:21 AM
News / Law

Attorney John Morgan to Discuss Zenaida Gonzalez v. Casey Anthony Case on 48 Hours

John Morgan, the attorney representing Zenaida Gonzalez in a defamation suit against Casey Anthony, will be appearing on 48 Hours Mystery on October 17, 2009. Mr. Morgan will be sharing insight into the investigation he has conducted on Zenaida Gonzalez’s behalf. He is seeking to clear her name from the false allegations made by Casey Anthony that she was responsible for the disappearance and death of Casey’s daughter, Caylee Anthony. 

After 3-year-old Caylee Anthony went missing in June 2008, her mother falsely named Zenaida Gonzalez as Caylee's babysitter, referring to her as “Zanny the Nanny.” She also stated that Caylee was in Ms. Gonzalez’s custody at the time of her disappearance. However, numerous inconsistencies in Casey Anthony’s story, as well as physical evidence against her, have made her the prime suspect in Caylee’s disappearance and death. Casey has been charged with first-degree murder and faces the possibility of life in prison. Caylee’s remains were found near her home in Orange County, Florida in December 2008.

Zenaida Gonzalez, a mother of six with no criminal record, maintains that she never babysat for Caylee Anthony. In fact, she never even met Casey or Caylee Anthony. As a result of these false allegations against her, she lost her job and has suffered both physically and emotionally. John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan is representing her in a defamation lawsuit that seeks to clear her name and restore her reputation. While gathering evidence to support Zenaida Gonzalez’s innocence, he has interviewed several people close to Casey Anthony, including George and Cindy Anthony. He will discuss his knowledge of the case and the individuals involved on the upcoming episode of 48 Hours Mystery.

The 48 Hours Mystery episode featuring John Morgan will air on CBS on Saturday, October 17, 2009. Please check your local listings for the time. Individuals who are interested in following the case can visit Morgan & Morgan's Case Spotlight: Gonzalez v. Anthony page for additional updates, highlights, videos, and depositions.

About Morgan & Morgan

Morgan & Morgan is one of the largest Personal Injury law firms in the country with offices nationwide. The firm handles product liability cases, personal injury cases, and medical malpractice cases, as well as claims against drug and medical device manufacturers. Visit ForThePeople.com for a free case evaluation and information about your legal rights.