Nashville 3/4/2013 10:24:47 PM
News / Law

Nashville Construction Accident Attorney Stanley A. Davis Launches New Website

The Law Office of Stanley A. Davis is proud to announce the launch of a website specifically tailored to injured construction workers: Stanley A. Davis represents individuals and families harmed as a result of negligence by their employers or third-parties on construction sites. Davis wishes for workers to understand that construction accidents often involve multiple parties, and injured individuals or families may be entitled to additional monetary damages beyond workers’ compensation.

The website offers in-depth legal information exploring commons causes of accidents that involve construction cranes, building collapses and ladder or scaffolding falls. Another useful resource highlighted on the site is the legal blog, offering up-to-date local stories involving construction accidents that are examined through a legal lens.

Trial attorney Stanley A. Davis is also a dedicated husband and father, and he greatly empathizes with families who lost loved ones due to negligence at construction sites: “We understand how dangerous the construction industry can be, and how difficult it is for workers and their families after an accident, both emotionally and financially. I believe in doing to others what you would have them do to you, as Matthew told us in the Scriptures. I treat my clients similarly to my own family and friends, with the utmost respect and kindness.”

The Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter Year in Review listed Stanley A. Davis as one of Tennessee’s most prolific trial lawyers. He focuses his practice on construction accidents, car accidents, truck accidents and on-the-job injuries. He is a member of multiple legal organizations including the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, the Nashville Bar Association, the Tennessee Bar Association and the American Association of Justice. He frequently gives lectures throughout the state on civil practice, as well as leading continuing legal education courses for his peers. His text, “Cross Examination of a Medical Expert,” was included in the book Cross Examination: The Comprehensive Guide for Experts.

For more information, contact Stanley A. Davis at (615) 690-2080 or visit and submit a contact form online.

Attorney Stanley A. Davis is a member of the national attorney network on

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