Tampa Bay 3/13/2013 5:40:35 AM
Monitor Your Bed Bug Problem with Tampa Bay Bugs
Bed bugs can be a real problem if you do not take care of them immediately. Tampa Bay Bugs specializes in bed bug removal as well as prevention, so when you have a bed bug problem, you can call Tampa Bay Bugs to not only rid you of the original infestation but any future problems as well. If you are in the Tampa Bay, Clearwater or St. Petersburg area you are lucky enough to have Tampa Bay Bugs to help you remain certified bug free.
With Tampa Bay Bugs, none of the work is contracted out. When you call Tampa Bay Bugs, the Tampa Bay Bugs team will be the ones who show up to eliminate your infestation and ensure bed bug prevention. There is a lot that goes into good bed bug prevention and we will customize a treatment that is specific to your problem. Tampa Bay Bugs offers monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or once a year pest control services.
Tampa Bay Bugs’ bed bug prevention is guaranteed because we believe in our process. We employ a proactive approach to bed bug prevention. Concentrated where we know that bed bugs generally reside, Tampa Bay Bugs will install discreet and decorative monitoring devices in all necessary rooms which escreet a pheromone and other smells which bed bugs find irresistible. This allows up to 90 days of constant monitoring that is much easier and more accurate than other traditional techniques.
We guarantee that our way will find infestations 95% quicker than other “spray and pray” techniques. It is time to take the fight to the bed bugs rather than wait for an infestation to build up. Contact us immediately by phone at 727-525-7292 or online at www.binghamtermite.com and become one of the few that are a “Certified Bed Bug Free” facility.