Los Angeles 2/14/2007 3:18:30 AM
News / People

2008: Gun Control Candidates Need Not Apply.

Gun control should be ignored as an issue, but nationwide concealed carry could be a winning plank in your platform.

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani is traveling to deliver the message of gun control, among others, and taking credit for reducing crime in New York City.

But has gun control worked there? If it has, it would be the first in the world for that distinction. The first.

Author and Columnist John Longenecker challenges hizzoner’s values system and ideas in his most recent syndicated column.

Longenecker asserts that gun control doesn’t reduce crime, but potentiates it, by disarming the authority of those on whose authority police operate.

Something to think about when considering gun control at all. It’s not about gun nuts and it’s not about hunting; it’s about challenging individual sovereign authority, a concept alien to many candidates running.

Longenecker speaks to all 2008 candidates to remind them than gun control in America is not only illegal under our system, but a predatory political practice turning a blind eye to the heartbreak of innocent constituents who trust officials more than themselves.

Some don’t live to regret it.

Catch Longenecker's response in 2008: Gun Control Candidates Need Not Apply based at MENS NEWS DAILY and in syndication.

Contact: Los Angeles. 562-925-0652  or John@GoodForTheCountry.com

Longenecker is author of The Case For Nationwide Concealed Carry. He is available for TalkRadio booking. See the Radio TV Interview Report.