Atlanta 4/5/2013 1:52:17 AM
News / Law

Connecticut Gun Legislation Bans More Assault Weapons, High Capacity Magazines

New gun legislation signed by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy on Thursday is being hailed as the toughest in the nation. Malloy praised the bill’s passing, but insisted that it “does not mark the end of our efforts” in gun control. The legislation comes nearly four months after the mass shooting at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary. Twenty children and six adults died at the hands of shooter Adam Lanza.

"This is a profoundly emotional day, I think, for everyone in this room. We have come together in a way that relatively few places in our nation have demonstrated an ability to do,” Malloy said.

Bill highlights:

-         The ban of more than 100 additional weapons under the Connecticut Assault Weapons Ban

-         The ban of the sale or purchase of large capacity magazines, which are being defined as a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Those who already own large capacity magazines must register their magazines to make them legal. They are only allowed to load the magazine with more than 10 bullets inside their home or at a shooting range.

-         A statewide “dangerous weapon offender registry” will be created, but can only be accessed by law enforcement.

-         Background checks will be required for all gun sales, including at gun shows.

-          An eligibility certificate will be required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Advocacy group Connecticut Against Gun Violence noted the bill “doesn't have everything we wanted, but it was everything that could be done within the political reality we were facing.”


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