Atlanta 4/13/2013 2:30:00 AM
News / Food & Beverage

The New Papua New Guinea Coffee from World Trader Coffee: The Finest Coffee in Oceania

Just north of Australia some of the finest coffee ever is grown and distributed to the rest of world. This coffee is from Papua New Guinea and you can get it for a discount price from World Trader Coffee

If you are looking for a good deal for an excellent and delicious coffee, World Trader Coffee has all the answers. The Papua New Guinea coffee is not only a favorite of World Trader Coffee customers, but also of the roasters themselves. And it is no wonder that this delicious exotic coffee is so popular, it started with the introduction of Jamaican Blue Mountain seedlings.

As always with World Trader Coffee, Papua New Guinea coffee is roasted to order and sealed in a special bag for freshness. This locks in the balanced and earthy body, sweet acidity and the complex fruity aroma.

Even though it has been shipped great distances, your coffee will taste as fresh as ever coming out of the World Trader Coffee's special lock-in freshness package. Most Papua New Guinea coffee is grown organically by small co-ops in order to maximize use of the coffee processing facilities.

As mentioned above, Papua New Guinea coffee apparently started with the introduction of Jamaican Blue Mountain seedlings. This makes Papua New Guinea coffee a cousin of the most sought after coffee in the world. It is not hard to believe as the Papua New Guinea coffee is also known to be sweet and full bodied just like Jamaican Blue Mountain. Additionally it is characterized by a balanced flavor and chocolate overtones with a slightly dry finish.

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For information on these incredible savings and on all our coffee contact us:

Customer Care staff by phone at 877-303-JAVA (5282).