Atlanta 4/10/2013 5:06:29 AM
News / Music

Brad Paisley And LL Cool J Defend Accidental Racist

Brad Paisley and LL Cool J don’t understand the controversy surrounding their new duet “Accidental Racist.” While many people believe the song, which is on Paisley’s new album Wheelhouse, glosses over the seriousness of racism, the two musicians believe the tune will open up positive dialogue about racial issues.

"I just think art has a responsibility to lead the way. I don't know the answers, but I feel like asking the question is the first step, and we're asking the question in a big way,” Paisley tells Ellen DeGeneres in a new interview.

Paisley has no regrets about “Accidental Racist.” "I wouldn't change a thing," he wrote on Twitter. "This is a record meant to be FAR from easy listening. But fun. Like life. Have a ball, ya'll."

LL Cool J tells CNN he is proud of his work with Paisley. “Music is about ... connecting different people, and building bridges and breaking the rules," he says. "If it's not compelling, and it's not complex and it's not interesting, then what are we doing it for? So I think that's the right move."

The song features a mock conversation between a white Southerner wearing a Confederate flag t-shirt and a black New Yorker. References to slavery and the Civil War are made.

"[I'm] just a proud rebel son with an ol' can of worms lookin' like I got a lot to learn,” Paisley sings.

LL Cool J raps, "If you don't judge my do-rag … I won't judge your red flag. If you don't judge my gold chains … I'll forget the iron chains."

Wheelhouse was released Tuesday.


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