Most of us connect methadone with recovering heroin addicts, but just what is this drug and how does it work?
A narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine, methadone also reduces withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs. Why trade one drug for another, though? Because methadone weans those who are addicted off of drugs without the "high" heroin or other substances were providing.
Because methadone can work as a pain reliever, it’s a popular choice for addiction detox programs. When not taken as part of a program and under the watchful eye of professionals, methadone can be abused, causing serious side effects. Since it is a narcotic, methadone can slow breathing, which is particularly dangerous if an individual takes more than the prescribed dosage.
While methadone is often used to ease detox from another drug, there can be withdrawal symptoms from methadone itself if an individual stops taking it abruptly. It’s also very dangerous to mix alcohol and methadone. Because of dangers like these, it’s important to use methadone under the care of a professional.
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