New York 4/13/2013 4:28:28 AM
News / Politics

Can Innovation in Political Ideas and Policies Solve the Polarization and Gridlock in Washington?

On Monday, April 15th, the Financial Policy Council will be hosting a talk by Tom Rossman, emerging global thought leader and celebrated author of The Synthesis Revolution, on how innovation in political and economic policy can and will solve the daunting challenge of gridlock and partisan bias in Washington.

The United States was founded on a very simple premise. It was that we could organize and govern ourselves more effectively than a distant, divinely appointed monarch. Even though history has proven that belief to be correct, at the present time, we are facing a crisis of government and of leadership that we have not experienced in a very long time. The faith that so many Americans have placed in the various parties and ideologies that dominate our current discourse has been fundamentally shaken.

Albert Einstein declared that “the world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Our present troubles are directly related to the fact that we have stopped innovating in the very arena that is so essential to our future prosperity, the way that we govern ourselves.

Dr. Moises Naim stated recently in his book, The End of Power, "disruptive innovation has not arrived in politics, government, and political participation. But it will. We are on the verge of a wave of positive political and institutional innovations.” This transformation will not happen by itself and will require thoughtful adaptation by our elected leaders, something that Washington is clearly incapable of accomplishing at present.

In his talk, Mr. Rossman will address the current political and economic barriers to putting America back on the pathway to perpetual improvement and rising prosperity. By replacing the currently ineffective political dynamic with an ‘innovative worldview that works’ and a ‘method of evidenced-based progress’, Mr. Rossman will layout the framework and toolkit for achieving a New Era of Prosperity.

Date: April 15, 2013
Location: The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall - On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter the main lobby

Tickets and more information HERE