Salt Lake City 4/17/2013 10:34:17 PM
News / Green

The Best Mulch for Your Garden

Adding mulch in your garden serves many purposes. Mulch prevents weed growth, maintains an even temperature and protects the soil. Mulch is also a great way to conserve the water used to water the garden. In order to get your garden to a new growing season and looking its best, you need to use mulch.

As you begin to prepare your garden for a new year you must decide which of the types of mulch to use. The type of mulch you use can affect the growth of your garden. Before you start throwing down just any kind of mulch, here are a few tips about which will bring your garden the best results.

Organic mulch comes from natural occurring substances in the earth such as grass clippings, leaves, wood chips and bark. When it comes to organic mulch, wood chips and bark are the most common forms used. Many people choose organic mulch because of the benefits it brings to the garden. Organic mulch has benefits that extend deeper than just top soil.

Organic mulch helps add nutrients to your garden’s soil. It helps fight off insects and diseases from hurting your plants. By adding organic material to your garden, you will get healthy, flourishing plants. The microbes in the soil will decompose the organic material and add nutrients to your soil.

Inorganic mulch can also be used in the garden. Some of the more popular inorganic mulches used are lava rock, pea gravel and rubber. This mulch does a great job holding down weeds and locking in moisture.

Many people choose inorganic mulches because they do not decompose in the soil. You don’t have to continue replenishing them often. You can put down your mulch and be pretty sure it will last all season long.

Mulching is one of the best things you can do for your garden. It is an insulator, improves soil aeration and keeps weeds under control. However, you can overdo it. Just because mulch is good for your garden doesn’t mean you need to add a foot deep of mulch across your entire garden. Generally, you should stick with 2-4 inches of mulch.

Too much mulch can cause too much moisture in the root system and lead to root rot. Too much mulch can also have the opposite effect of what is desired. If you have piles and piles, it can be a great place for rodents and insects to make a home. Or, too much can also end up acting like potting soil and harbor weeds.