Los Angeles 2/20/2007 2:49:18 AM
News / Education

Columnist John Longenecker Calls For Nationwide Pilot Program Against Violent Crime.

Fighting Crime is easier than you might think! Try what works.

Author and columnist John Longenecker calls upon the 2008 candidates to support a pilot program recognizing American Sovereignty to fight violent crime.

Longenecker’s proposed program calls for the repeal of all gun laws for five years, a moratorium on all new gun laws for five years, and the suspension of cases involving weapons charges on people who didn’t commit a violent act to begin with, but who merely altered or carried their weapon or other victimless crime.

Aren’t Americans getting a little tired of victimless crime?

"This presumption of what somehonest citizen might do has got to stop," says Longenecker. "It’s a trap for all honest people as an overture to ever-increasing dependency on officials on an or-else basis in the years ahead."

Longenecker’s been making suggestions to 2008 candidates for office on what sort of planks could make up a winning platform in national direction. That kind of crystal ball act is nothing more than an understanding of how anti-crime fever can come around to bite every honest person in the back before they affect even a single criminal. Compelling people to surrender their sovereignty as a means of security means you’re offering your own quite without knowing it, Longenecker often says.

Longenecker adds that the pilot program will prove to many impartial on the issue just how important sovereignty is on so many levels, and how, in this process, we can expect greater integrity from our elected officials.

Catch Longenecker’s perspective at MENS NEWS DAILY and in syndication.

CONTACT: Los Angeles, 562-925-0652 and John@GoodForTheCountry.com

Longenecker is available for talkradio bookings. His book website is www.TransferOfWealth.net