MMO Attack, a leading gaming website that focuses on massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), has just launched its daily MMO and MMORPG news show, The Daily XP. The show will recap all the most current and breaking news stories happening in the MMO space starting on Monday, May 6th. Episodes will air Monday through Friday at 6pm EST / 3pm PST.
The Daily XP will filter through all the latest stories and bring them to the fans in an easy to digest video show. The series will focus on MMO and MMORPG gaming news and the different sub-sections within the genre, highlighting each day's most current stories. The Daily XP is meant to give a fresh and interactive way to consume content from around the web without ever leaving the MMOAttackGames YouTube channel.
"We've known for a while that we've wanted to present more and more of our content in video form." said Kirk Wallace, MMO Attack's Editor-in-Chief. "The Daily XP is just another step in that direction, bringing our fans, and fans of the MMO industry news directly from the developers and publishers to their computers, phones, and tablets, in an easy to digest video show."
As the Daily XP grows in popularity is quite possible that the show could be responsible for helping new free RPG games to gain immense popularity overnight. With exclusive access to highly touted beta releases, MMO Attack is known for providing the gaming industry with great insight. It is only a matter of time before The Daily XP contributes to the recognition of a game that only needed the additional exposure to become a great success.
The Daily XP is intended to be a daily supplement to MMO Attack's current news show, The Weekly Loot, which has been recapping each week's top stories since its start up in the summer of 2012. With the new format, the Weekly Loot will still air on Fridays, but will update viewers with that day's most current news in addition to the traditional recapping the week's top stories. The Weekly Loot also offers another incentive to watch the show in the form of a weekly giveaway, with winners being selected the following week. Prizes on the Weekly Loot range from Steam Gift Cards, Riot Points, MMO Attack T-Shirts, free games and more!About MMO Attack
MMO Attack specializes in the delivery of free online MMORPG games. A team of highly skilled writers and gamers that take in-depth looks at MMO and MMORPG games and provide thoughtful and helpful news, reviews, gameplays, videos, commentaries and more. MMO Attack is an innovator in the field and constantly strives to deliver content in new and exciting ways.