Omaha 5/8/2013 1:18:22 AM
News / Health & Wellness

A Better Patient Experience with Sedation Dentistry

Many people dread going to the dentist and may put off seeing one for years. That’s not a good idea. It’s important to get a routine check-up every year. Everyone should get a thorough cleaning to prevent tooth decay and take care of deep rooted cavities or other possible diseases associated with poor dental care. Dental patients should look for a dentist who is certified to administer sedation medications. Patients will be relieved to know they have options that will make their time in the dentist’s chair a whole lot easier, quicker, and less stressful.

Everyone is different and some people may like to use stop signals, or find other ways to manage a difficult visit to the dentist. Those who should consider using dental sedation are usually patients who get nervous easily, have an uncontrollable gag reflex, and are not able to endure mouth pain caused by dental instruments. Most children are good candidates for sedation dentistry because it takes effect quickly, helps them to sit still, and calms them down. Dentists are able to clean little teeth or fix cavities faster when a child is at ease in the chair.

Sedation dentistry is a good choice if the sights and sounds of dental tools make a person uncomfortable. The Academy of General Dentistry has been testing and improving the types of sedation dentistry for years. There are mild, moderate, and deep sedation levels that put a patient in a state of calm using medication, either by inhaling nitrous oxide or taking an antidepressant pill. These methods are considered safe and are used extensively across the United States. There may be additional costs for such measures but for some patients, it’s worth it.

There are different levels and doses depending on what kind of treatment a patient requires. A good dentist will go over what level is best for certain patients. They should also look at a patient’s medical history to determine a mild dose is better than deep sedation. If a patient needs only mild sedation they will most likely feel a state of peacefulness during the dental procedure and still be able to see and hear things around them. If a patient needs a stronger dosage to curb anxiety and promote better relaxation then an intravenous sedation or laughing gas may be required.

Dentists use sedation most often for invasive procedures that take time, such as root canals or caps. A patient essentially goes into a state of unconsciousness, which makes them unaware of the drills and needles being used, but they can still move and breathe on their own. They awaken with little memory of why they were even at the dentist. Sedation dentists in Omaha want their patients to have a good experience with sedation whether it’s a routine cleaning or a custom operation.

There’s no need to fear the dentist’s chair anymore. Lengthy and uncomfortable visits can be a thing of the past when dentists offer pain management alternatives like dental sedation.