Naples 5/14/2013 11:34:42 PM
News / Education

Chalmers Brothers Announces: Google Hangout Explores the Power of SOAR for Transforming People, Leaders and Organizations

In this free live streaming Google Hangout event on May 24th at 12:00 noon. EST, Chalmers Brothers, author, consultant, certified coach and speaker will introduce participants to a revolutionary program called SOAR with introductory lessons designed to produce transformational results.

On Friday, May 24th, 2013, at 12 noon in a free event, Chalmers Brothers from Naples, Florida will disclose concepts and strategies from SOAR - Success through Observer, Action, and Results. SOAR is a program that will open participants’ eyes to something extremely powerful and intuitive for producing life-changing and transformational results personally and in business. In this Google hangout live streaming event from home or office computer or mobile device, attendees will gain access to something so simple but critical for achieving true happiness and optimum personal growth, effectiveness and business success.

Since the mid 1980′s, Chalmers Brothers has provided transformational coaching, leadership training and consulting for individuals, corporate executives, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, government agencies, institutes of higher learning, hospitals and medical practices.

SOAR Training that Moves You to a New Level of Awareness and Possibilities

Chalmers Brothers’ content in this SOAR training, unknown to the vast majority of personal development instructors and coaches, raises the bar for personal and professional empowerment - training that shifts self-limiting paradigms and in the process, greatly enriches lives. In some ways, what Chalmers helps people to see is what is in plain sight - yet totally missed by masses of people who remain stuck, largely due to limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviors that sabotage personal and professional results.

Whether you seek personal development or leadership effectiveness training, you will acquire life changing insights, powerful new distinctions and practical strategies for seeing new possibilities, taking new action and producing exceptional results.

Chalmers Brothers says, “Through SOAR, you will become a more powerful observer of yourself. You will learn things about yourself and the choices you have to create change that directly impacts performance, relationships, and productivity in all aspects of your life.”

Chalmers will provide those attending with a handout and exercises beginning with a self-assessment and initial goal setting to identify where they currently are and what they want to achieve from applying ideas learned through this valuable training. What is taught in two free sessions by Chalmers Brothers can help in three broad but related areas: individual well-being, professional and personal relationships and leadership effectiveness.

In the first of two free sessions, attendees will be introduced to Ten “Permanent” Domains of Life - significant aspects, areas or “domains.” Some of these are quite obvious, while others may represent a new way of looking at one's self, their life, what’s important to them, and how and where they spend your time and energy.

Ten Permanent Domains of Life are introduced, and participants conduct a self-assessment of current levels of Competency and Satisfaction within each domain. Satisfaction includes the degree to which they are currently satisfied, peaceful and okay with where they currently are within a given domain. Competency includes current skills, capacity, and ability to be productive in making real improvements in that domain, should one so desire. The outcome of this assessment and accompanying Accountability Group conversations, also part of the training experience, are used as the basis for each person establishing one professional and one personal goal. These goals, which may be refined or updated throughout the program, will be a key focus moving forward for each participant.

How to attend Chalmers Brothers’ SOAR Professional and Personal Development Training for Free.

All one needs to attend is a computer or mobile device with a browser and Internet connection on the day of the Hangout. Get updates on this event through Chalmers Brothers’ Google Plus page along with his Facebook and Twitter. Those who sign up via the link below will receive information with a link by email. Then on the day of the training, they click that link, stay on the page and watch the countdown until Chalmers begins the event.

Register Now for SOAR Professional and Personal Development Training.

Sign up for this event and receive handouts prior to the training via email. Sign up now for this life-changing personal development Google Hangout by Chalmers Brothers.