Hollywood, CA. 10/29/2009 1:11:28 PM
News / Law

Why is it called a "Cockpit" Anyway?

Northwest Pilots facing serious questions about whay they overshot their landing by 150 miles.

Having a glamorous job like a commercial pilot can be often boring with all of today's technology in the cockpit. Have you ever wondered why they call it a "cockpit" anyway?  I have . . . maybe we should ask the Northwest Pilots who were so very distracted, so distracted that they overflew their destination by 150 miles and put the lives of their passengers at risk.

There is no way two pilots in their 50's and having more than 30,000 hours of flight time between the two could have fallen asleep, had a heated argument or been on their laptops when they overshot the airport.

Why would they admit to something that ultimately would get them fired?  Because the truth may be far more damaging if it got out.  Their frame of mind might be, "Just fire me so this can go away". 

I suspect there is a simple answer to this story and it will surface eventually.  All information leads to a simple sex scandal.  The pilots very well may have been distracted, but not due to any of the reasons we have heard thus far.  At this time, there has been no mention of a female in the cockpit so the only logical explanation is the pilots were involved in a situation between the two that does not match up to what has been reported..

There are many gay pilots associations throughout the United States and they are keeping closed lips about this developing story.  If it turns out to be a sex scandal between gay pilots, this could send a wave of concern through the airline industry.  Does the airline industry have a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy?

We don't only have to worry about terror in the skies, now we have to worry what our pilots are doing and why they can't get their story straight over this whole event.  I can't believe how irresponsible these two men where during that flight.  Men with great flight records, essentially clean as can be,  have now lost their career for what?

Black boxes obviously are not enough, it's finally time for cameras in every commercial airliner cockpit.

If you're a pilot and you are gay, fine, just be gay after you land your aircraft safe and sound and get your passengers to their destination without worrying what's going on in the cockpit.