New York, NY 10/29/2009 11:20:49 PM
News / Business

Legal Guide to Overtime Scams Provided by Lawyer Central

The unpaid overtime attorneys at Lawyer Central are committed to helping victims of overtime scams receive the overtime pay they deserve. In order to help workers understand their overtime pay rights and the ways in which employers may try to violate them, Lawyer Central offers free articles and information about overtime law. The recently updated Overtime Legal Resource Center covers a variety of overtime topics, including overtime scams.

In order to prevent workers from receiving the overtime pay they deserve, some employers use overtime scams, such as forcing employees to work off the clock. This can occur when an employer requires a worker to clock out and then stay in order to complete a task. Shortchanging hours is another common overtime scam. Failing to pay workers for the time they spend on short breaks (between five and twenty minutes), forcing employees to work through unpaid lunch breaks, or refusing to pay employees for on call time that cannot be used for the employee’s own personal use are among the ways that employers can shortchange hours.

Other overtime scams include intentionally misclassifying employees as exempt from overtime pay, paying at the normal pay rate instead of time-and-a-half for hours worked over forty, and offering employees comp time instead of overtime. Victims of overtime scams may be able to file an overtime lawsuit. If the overtime lawsuit is successful, workers who have been wrongfully denied overtime pay may be able to recover double their unpaid overtime wages. Punitive damages can also be awarded in some cases. Overtime class action lawsuits can be filed if a large number of employees in the same company were denied overtime compensation.

If you feel that you have been victimized by an overtime scam, visit Lawyer Central's Overtime Law Resource Center today. Enter the details of your case into the Free Legal Advice form to have an overtime attorney review your claim at no cost. Lawyer Central also offers articles on numerous aspects of overtime pay and the rights of workers under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to help you gain a better understanding of overtime laws.

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The Lawyer Central Network is an exclusive nationwide network of attorneys highly dedicated to their unique areas of practice, including overtime litigation. Lawyer Central is emerging as the leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes a variety of media exposure ranging from practice area video filming, through interviews and complete public relations and internet relations management.