Houston 5/21/2013 1:53:49 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Health2Go announces research DHEA Helps Depression

Be Happy be Healthy

Hormones drive many aspects of our lives: how we feel, energy levels, mood, muscle tone, fat build-up, sleep quality, sex drive, how productive we are, soft skin and more. Many signs we are getting older are driven by declining hormone levels as we age.

The naturally occurring pro-hormone DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most abundant foundation or base from which the body makes hormones. Levels of DHEA made by the body gradually increase until about age 25, when  “in our prime”; and gradually decrease thereafter.  After age 25 people make about 2% less DHEA each year.

So, by age 35 people make approximately 20% less DHEA than when they were 25; by age 50  people make 50%  less DHEA as when they were healthiest. DHEA is a base for estrogen, testosterone, and 50 other hormones. DHEA is also the base for sebum, or skin oil. Most DHEA metabolism actually occurs in the largest organ of the body, the dermis, the skin.

Research studies show that higher levels of DHEA makes people healthier, happier and more productive – People have more energy, get more done and are in a better mood. Now research shows DHEA “has significant anti-depressant effects.

Providing the body with adequate levels of the pro-hormone, DHEA, after age 35 makes sense.

There are many clinical research studies published and available on the web searching “dehydroepiandrosterone depression” showing DHEA helps fight depression. Many of these studies can be found on PubMed. One study performed at the National Institute of Mental Health in Rockville, Maryland concludes that “We find DHEA to be an effective treatment for midlife-onset major and minor depression.” * (see link to article below)

Another study performed at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 2010 concludes that “…dehydroepiandrosterone has an important role in mood regulation and may have significant antidepressant effects.”. * (see link to article below)

When hormone levels are maintained, mental sharpness, focus and zest for life and enjoyment of it as well as memories of it can be maintained. Clinical research studies show that DHEA can help relieve depression that starts in middle age. In fact DHEA reduced depression symptoms in half of the study participants.

The reason DHEA has these anti-depressant effects is because DHEA is the most abundant pro-hormones in the body, a naturally occurring base building block for hormones.  The right DHEA supplement provided the right way, as a cream absorbed in the skin, can fight off many declines in physical fitness, mood and mental sharpness as we get older. DHEA is clearly shown to help fight depression.

It turns out supplementing  DHEA in the skin is the most natural and beneficial way to use DHEA because much DHEA metabolism actually occurs in the skin


Oral DHEA supplements are eliminated by the liver, and what little DHEA does enter the bloodstream is DHEA sulfate not DHEA. DHEA-S is good, but not near as good or as beneficial as DHEA. DHEA is actually processed by the body in the skin. So DHEA absorbed through the skin is something the body can use applied where the body uses it.

That is why daily use of bioidentical DHEA cream Twist 25 is beneficial in many ways for people 35 and up; but DHEA must be used as a properly made cream to work. Twist 25® DHEA cream is DHEA the right way and tested for proper mix and strength. Twist 25 cream provides noticeable results people feel within just a few weeks.

  • improve mental sharpness
  • have more energy
  • fight depression
  • be more productive
  • sleep better at night - deeper REM sleep

Follow the link below to see Youtube videos posted about DHEA cream


Please visit the Twist 25 website to learn more at http://www.twist25.com or go directly to the store at http://store.twist25.com

Or call 1-888-489-4782

Follow the link to articles available on the web:

Wolkowitz OM, Reus VI, Roberts E, et al “Dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA) Treatment of Depression” Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine 94143-0984, U.S.A. Feb 1, 1997


Schmidt PJ, Daly RC, et al “Dehydroepiandrosterone monotherapy in Midlife-onset Major and Minor Depression” Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, MD 20892-1276, U.S.A. Feb 2005


Rathna Kumari U, Padma K “Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels and Cognitive Function in Aging” International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. Dec 31, 2012.


Stephenson K, et al “The Effects of compounded bioidentical transdermal hormone therapy on hemostatic, inflammatory, immune factors; cardiovascular biomarkers; quality of life measures; and healthoutcomes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.” Womens Wellness Center, Tyler, Texas, U.S.A. Feb 17, 2013
