Atlanta, Ga. 11/6/2009 2:52:20 AM
News / Law

Former NYC Police Chief Bernard Kerik Pleads Guilty to Lying to White House

Former New York City police chief Bernard Kerik has pled guilty to charges that he lied to the White House as well as charges tied to tax evasion and corruption.


Kerik was facing more than 60 years in prison for the charges but agreed to a plea deal that could cut that sentence down to just over two years.


Kerik was serving as police chief at the time of the 9/11 attacks and his response quickly elevated him to hero status. In 2004 Kerik was nominated for the position of head of the Department of Homeland Security but he eventually removed his name from consideration after questions surrounding tax evasion and extra marital affairs surfaced.


In addition to admitting he lied to government officials during the nomination process Kerik also admitted to accepting $250,000 in apartment renovations from a company that was awarded a city contract as well as failing to pay taxes on more than $500,000 of taxable income between 1999 and 2004.


The trial was due to begin next week but now that Kerik accepted the plea deal he will be sentenced in February.




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