It’s only week 1 in the Big Brother house, but the drama and scheming is now well under way thanks to the Power of Veto competition.
As shown on the season premiere, McCrae won the first Head of Household competition. As HOH he placed two houseguests – Candice and Jessie – on the chopping block. Before the MVP was chosen and secretly made the third nomination this week, the general consensus in the house was that McCrae should backdoor Elissa. Despite forming a secret alliance with Elissa, McCrae made promises to nominate Elissa if the opportunity presented itself following the POV competition. Elissa then told McCrae that she was picked as the MVP. He told her to make David the third nominee, and she did.
The POV competition involved the competitors retrieving letters to spell the longest word they possibly could. Elissa and Howard were the players randomly drawn to compete along with HOH McCrae and the three nominees. McCrae ended up winning the competition, which could put a big target on his back since it is his second win in a row and it is only week 1.
If McCrae wants to minimize the target on his back, his best option is to follow through with his promise to backdoor Elissa. Nick, a fellow MC member, has presented a second plan – leave nominations the same and send David packing since he is a physical threat.
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