Atlanta, Ga. 11/7/2009 2:15:57 AM
News / Law

Federal Buildings Fly Flag at Half Staff as “Entire Nation” Mourns Following Fort Hood Shooting

U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered that all flags at Federal buildings be flown at half staff following Thursday’s mass shooting at the Fort Hood army base in Killeen, Texas.


Obama said the “entire nation” was mourning the loss of 13 people while continuing to pray for the dozens left wounded. The afternoon attack, carried out by disgruntled army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan, is the worst shooting on a U.S. military base in history.


Hasan, a strong opponent of the U.S. wars in the Middle East, was due to be deployed to Afghanistan soon. The army has not said Hasan’s beliefs were motivation for the deadly attack, saying they were investigating several possible motives.


Hasan, who survived the attack but remains on a ventilator in a Texas hospital, is described as a devout Muslim who made several attempts to block his deployment.


According to reports Hasan shouted the Arabic phrase "Allahu Akbar!" [God is great] just before pulling out two handguns and opening fire outside the Soldier Readiness Facility. He was eventually shot four times by police officer Kimberly Munley who arrived on the scene shortly after the shooting began.




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