So far, the house of cards built by the Moving Company alliance is standing strong and none of the houseguests suspect that one alliance is running the house and calling all the shots. Quick break down – the Moving Company is a secret alliance consisting of HOH McCrae, Nick, Jeremy, Howard and Spencer. McCrae originally nominated Candice and Jessie for eviction, but promised to backdoor Elissa if he got the chance. Elissa was named MVP and she nominated David for eviction. McCrae then won the POV and used it to nominate Elissa in place of Candice.
It appeared Elissa was doomed, but then the MC decided it would be best to save her because fans will likely make her the MVP a lot just because she is Rachel Reilly’s sister. The MC agreed that David should go because he is a physical threat, so a plan was hatched to save Elissa and evict David by making it look like there are two distinct alliances in the house. The MC members formed opposing alliances to hide their real alliance. Nick and Jeremy are part of the Blonde-tourage with David, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jessie and GinaMarie. McCrae, Howard and Spencer are members of a larger alliance consisting of Elissa, Amanda, Helen, Andy and Judd. Candice is considered a floater. The plan is for MC members to have the two alliances pick each other off while protecting one another. Their first goal is to have McCrae’s “alliance” evict David while Nick and Jeremy camouflage the MC by voting to evict Elissa with the rest of the Blonde-tourage.
The MC seems to be keeping the plan on track and not wavering in their loyalty to each other.
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