Middletown 7/12/2013 11:21:14 PM
News / Stocks

Planda Biotech (Stock Symbol PLPL) Report Available on VIP Stock Reports

According to VIPStockReports.com, Planda Biotech (OTCQB: PLPL) recently made a gain of 520%. Between April 22 and May 14, the stock price rose from $0.17 to $0.58.

On July 9th, Goldman Small Cap Research, a stock market research firm focused on the small cap and microcap sectors, noted in a press release that Plandai Biotechnology Inc. may soon enter the fight against colon cancer. They credit this to the high absorption rates in its flagship offerings.

While not as high as a couple months ago, the stock price for Plandai Biotech still remains relatively high. Since it peaked at $0.58 on May 14th, it has not dropped below $0.48 in two months.

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