Atlanta 7/13/2013 2:30:25 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 15 Week 3 Spoilers: Aaryn And Kaitlin On Attack

As expected, the aftermath of Nick’s blindside and eviction was not good - GinaMarie couldn’t stop sobbing, Jeremy was strangely silent, and Aaryn and Kaitlin went on attack mode last night. Their first victim was Jessie.

Jessie tells them she didn’t vote their way because it was better for her game and she felt she wasn’t being treated well in their alliance. Kaitlin slams Jessie for thinking Elissa will be loyal and Jessie responds that at least she gets respect from Elissa. Jessie suggests Aaryn and Kaitlin should get to know Elissa before judging her. Kaitlin continues fussing about Jessie lying about her vote. She then takes a swipe at Jessie trying for a showmance with Judd after being rejected by the other guys in the house. Jessie leaves the room and Aaryn calls her a “crazy, slutty b*tch.”

Kaitlin, Jeremy and GinaMarie laugh as Aaryn throws all the pillows off of Candice’s bed and pushes the mattress off the bed frame. Candice comes back in the room and calmly starts to put the bed back together while Jessie pleads with Jeremy to get off her bed. Jeremy refuses and keeps insisting he is sleeping there. When Aaryn finishes her diary room session, Candice promises all hell will break loose if her bed is flipped again. Aaryn taunts her in a mocking voice but Candice refuses to engage. Aaryn says she wouldn’t get in Candice’s bed because of her crabs.

The fight over the bed continues when Howard comes in and Candice tells him what Aaryn did. Howard tries to get Candice to leave the room while Aaryn mocks her and Kaitlin laughs. GinaMarie jumps into the fight with a comment about Howard protecting Candice. Candice fires back with a comment about Nick not being in the house anymore. GinaMarie rushes across the room at Candice and continues repeating “Whatcha gonna say?” Howard then walks over, picks Candice up, and walks out of the room with her.

Amanda and Aaryn the go at it over Aaryn’s attack on Jessie. Amanda defends Jessie and puts Aaryn in her place.


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