Atlanta, Ga. 11/11/2009 1:44:41 AM
News / Law

D.C. Sniper John Allen Muhammad to be Executed Tuesday Evening

John Allen Muhammad, the man convicted of carrying out the deadly sniper attacks across the Washington D.C. area in 2002, will be executed on Tuesday evening after his plea for clemency was rejected by Virginia Governor Tim Kaine.


Kaine’s decision to reject the plea for clemency came one day after the U.S. Supreme Court struck an appeal for a stay of execution. Muhammad’s attorneys have argued that their client is mentally unfit, calling his psychotic and delusional, yet neither the Supreme Court nor Kaine were willing to accept that assertion.


During a three-week period in 2002 Muhammad, along with his 17-year-old accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo, killed ten people in Maryland, Washington and Virginia. The two killers targeted innocent people as they walked across parking lots, filled their cars at gas stations and waited outside schools.


Muhammad was eventually convicted in the death of Dean Harold Meyers and was sentenced to death while Malvo was handed a life sentence.


Muhammad will be executed at 9:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday by lethal injection.




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