Atlanta 7/16/2013 12:43:09 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 15 Week 3 Spoilers: MVP, Third Nominee And POV Competition

Helen won HOH last Thursday and nominated Kaitlin and Aaryn for eviction. Since she also wants Jeremy gone, the POV competition results aren’t a huge deal for her. Putting up Kaitlin and Aaryn leaves the option to backdoor Jeremy.


For the third week in a row, Elissa is the MVP. Amanda put major pressure on her to nominate Howard since Howard didn’t vote to evict Nick and initially lied about his involvement in the Moving Company. Elissa was uncomfortable with nominating Howard because she didn’t want to upset his close friend/ally Candice. She also doesn’t want to become a target of Howard’s. To make Elissa comfortable with the move, it was decided that McCrae would pretend he is the MVP. Amanda, Helen and McCrae tell Howard he will be nominated because he can beat Jeremy in the POV competition if Jeremy is chosen to play.

Amanda was livid when Elissa nominated Spencer instead of Howard. Elissa stood up for herself and pointed out that Amanda and McCrae don’t control her in the game. To keep the McCrae MVP lie intact, McCrae makes a fake deal with Howard to not put him on the block. McCrae then tells Howard he nominated him.

The POV competition was held and Kaitlin won. There was some worry that Kaitlin would leave herself on the block to prevent Jeremy from being backdoored, but it looks like Helen has nothing to worry about. Kaitlin has stated that she will remove herself from the block.


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