New York 7/23/2013 3:11:29 AM
News / Law

Protein Drinks’ Nutrition Content Under Investigation

The attorneys working with are currently investigating claims that the nutrition content of certain protein shakes and protein-rich supplements may be inaccurately reflected on product labels. Allegedly, some manufacturers may be making false claims about the amount of protein actually contained in these products.

It is believed that some manufacturers may be using synthetics and other ingredients to ‘cheat’ tests that are used to verify ingredient quantities. This information is then used on product labels and within advertising materials. If manufacturers have allowed misleading or inaccurate test results to be used as the basis for their products’ claims, consumers may have been misled into purchasing products that do not match their reasonable expectations. 

Consumers have a legitimate right to expect products to be sold with accurate and well-verified information. In the case of these protein-rich supplements, often sold as muscle builders and as aids to muscle growth and health, consumers may be using these products as a part of their health and workout regime.  If synthetics and other substitutes are being used in the contents of these products, they may not provide the nutritional benefits or impact expected among consumers. 

The attorneys working with are now investigating these allegations and are interested in hearing from individuals who use drinks and powders such as Muscle Milk, Myoplex, Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100, and Dymatize Nutrition Elite as part of their health or exercise schedule. With the help of these individuals, our attorneys are trying to determine whether legal recourse is available. To contact us in an effort to help with our investigation, please visit  

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