Freedomtown 11/12/2009 7:30:47 AM
News / Education

FREE Tonight American Grand Jury Radio

Public particpation and discussion invited!

Today is Veteran's Day, a day of remembrance for our heros in the Military without whose sacrifices our America would never be "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

Tonight, Wednesday, November 11th 2009.

Local times are 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain and 6:00 PM Pacific.

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American Grand Jury wants to hear from you.

The call-in number is: (347) 637-3723

It is with great sadness that we must now remember those brave souls who lost their lives at Ft. Hood. This is a terrible tragedy. It is also a terrorist act that is unforgivable. American Grand Jury has complete distain for those that would say "let's feel sorry for the Muslims -- let's be politically correct and not makes things worse" -- Well folks, it can't get any worse than when a Muslim radical attacks and kills 13 of our finest soldiers and wounds another 30. As a veteran, a father and a Patriot I say to heck with political correctness. These criminal terrorists that kill our unprotected children are evil cowards who need to be hung from the nearest tree.

Please everyone, just remember our veterans today as you go about your business. God Bless America.. God Bless our Veterans.

Tune in to night

The call-in number is: (347) 637-3723

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